Friday, 2 April 2010

The shoot went well on the Wednesday and we wrapped after the remaining car scenes on the Thursday which didnt take long at all...and Laura has been editing all last and this week so Playtime is looking good!

I have to say though, Wednesday was quite stressful. The crew went to the 1st location with all the equipment to set up whilst i had to wait for the cast to arrive. Once they arrived i had to go and get money out for the van men who were delivering the well. Once the well arrived i met everyone lese at the location, who had been filming for about half an hour. I then had to go back which a runner and get the well, and bring it in a taxi to the car park next to the location before carrying it all down to where we were filming and build it. After the first half of the of the shoot was done we then had to move all cast, crew, props, equipment and the well to the next location which was about a 15 minute walk away. Due to miss cummunication on the taxi company's behalf, we had to dismantle and carry the well. By this time we only had Eve, playing Emily's friend, for a further hour, with the well still to rebuild again. However we eventualy finished filming at 7pm, luckily getting all shots done before we lost too much light.

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