Monday 26 April 2010

Today, the sound and titles were added to playtime, however i was not present as i had to deal with pre production requirements for smashed, in preperation for tomorrows meeting with Dene films. I will go in and view the finished product tomorrow, before it is handed in on Wednesday.

I have found all crew membera and just need to confirm runners for each of the shoots. I still also have to chose which extras i want to use from the applicants on, but this will not be done untill the end of the week allowing for more applications to be made. I have produced a document which i will post through the doors of those living in the area in which we will be filming, tomorrow. Today i also produced the call sheets which will be finished when i have all remaining information at my dispossal.

The next step is to basically finalise aeveything, book the equipment and also deal with the health and safety issues. It has been brought to my attention that given the nature of the shoot the risk assessment sheets we have at uni are not good enough, and so aswell as asking Dene films if we can take advantage of their system, i have been advised to view the BBC risk assessment DVDS we have available in uni and so will do this later in the week.

Iv have now written my R+D evaluation and put together a portfolio.

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