Tuesday 23 March 2010

Right so iv been running around all day making sure we have all the props and getting equipment and sorting food for the big shoot tomorrow. We are starting at 9, finnishing at 7 because we only have access to Francesca for one day! We need to sort all her scenes first, so Max, Sinclair (camera) and Marco (cinematography) have devised a shot by shot plan. The well is coming tomorrow and we need to make sure we have it at the location in time for shooting the well scenes, obviously..... so yea im feeling ok about it as far as everyone knows what to do when, but im just hoping the weather is alright, because if it rains, we cant shoot the well scenes. Max and i had a meeting with Peter Dillon today and i made a Plan B, C, D sheet... which looks like this.......

Playtime shooting- March 24th & 25th
PLAN B!........AND C AND D
What can be done if it rains?
  1. Film all car scenes first and hopefully the rain will die off, we can then shoot the well scenes.
  2. If the rain does not die off we wrap for the 24th- scenes without Francesca will then be done on the 25th and the remaining scenes will be Francesca falling down the well. We ask Jayne (parent) if there is any chance shooting these scenes week beginning 28th
  3. If rain continues into Thursday meaning all outside shots can not be shot, then we approach all actors and ask t film at a later date, bearing in mind Lauren will be in London and arrange an ALL EXPENSES PAID final shoot date later in the month.

As far as Sm@shed id concearned, we have to to postpone shooting untill after Easter due to all actors having practical extams. Shooting will now take place April 25th- 30th

Thursday 18 March 2010

So we had shoot dates scheduled for the 11th, 12th and 14th March for the 3rd year film Playtime, which i have been planning since the end of November. Bit of background info since i havnt been keeping a diary on here about it....we held two sets of auditions, one before christmas, one after and cast the characters of Rachel, Emily and Emily's friends from http://www.starnow.com/, a site which i had previously used, and cast a northumbria performance student in the role of Martin. Aswell as cast i had to obviously find locations, a place to have the picnic, a place for the well, general wooded areas, and a house. Myself and Max (director) went location scouting early on and found ideal leafy areas, and i secured a house in Gosforth. I emailed around and tried to find a well, however my search was proving futile, and so the decision to have a well built was made and i approached my daddy to do so. The well was made with ply wood and was built in a way in which it could be dissembled to make it easy to transport. However to make it look realistic and lifesize, the a main parts proved a little to large to fit into a car. I therefor had to arrange it to be moved my a hired driven van.

So...it rained quite alot on the Thursday which was a bit of a pain to say the least, as Francesca, the girl we cast as Emily had travelled up from York. We used the time to rehearse key scenes with all of the actors, and then in order to get at least some footage captured, shot some of the interior car scenes with the three. We filmed some of the picnic scenes on the Saturday however i was unaware that there was an event going to be taking place near our location and this would effect the sound. However we got some good shots, once the camera decided to work! We also filmed the house scenes, quite a large part of the first half of the film that weekend, which ran smoothly. Francesca was then due to return home and so production dates were set for March 24th and 25th. It is essential i prepare for this thoroughly as we have roughly half the film to shoot within two days. The well has also been sent back to Blyth for painting and so arragements to bring it back in time for the next shoot will have to be made.

So, sm@shed.......... this is a safety video commissioned by Northumbria Police, higlighting the relationship between alcohol consumption by 18-25 year olds and car accidents. I was asked by Max if i would be interested in coming onboard on the 20th Feb when the producer dropped out of the production. In between working on Playtime, i organised rehersals with the already formed cast. I also had to find a new club location as the agreed club also dropped out. We have set shooting dates for 21st-24th. Iv also been to a meeting with Chris Chapman from Dene films, the company acting as executive producers, and have been dealing with Andrew Poole, creating a budget.

Monday 15 March 2010

Ok so iv been busy busy busy and have admitedly not made any progress with my R and D and so i have decided to change my project. I have been producing a third year film and also a short commisioned by northumbrria police. I have therefor not had the time to read book after book after script after script so makes sense to focus my research and development on.....PRODUCING.